update 2025.01.17
そこで、【ネイティブ講師直伝】のコーナーでは、One Month Programのネイティブ英語講師陣が、英語学習に役立つヒントを「英語で」、皆様にお伝えしていきます!
リーディング時間目安:3分 / 530語 ※WPM=180
- 下記の英文を読みましょう。3分以内に読み終えられたら上級者です。
- 読み終えたら、文章下部の問題に解答しましょう。
(答えを探しながら読むのではなく、内容を理解しながら読むことを心がけましょう。) - 記事末尾に解答がありますので、答え合わせをして終了です。
How to Make a Study Schedule That Actually Works
By: Alexandrea LeMonds
Do you ever feel like your study goals are impossible to tackle? You can’t seem to stay organized or make enough time? Creating a good study schedule may be the key to managing your time better and to transforming scattered study sessions into ones that will help you achieve your goals.
Set Clear and Achievable Goals
When setting targets, it is important to think about your overall goal. For instance, are you trying to pass an exam and simply memorize new vocabulary? Or, do you have long-term goals such as working overseas?
Breaking down goals into small steps makes them easier to manage and track the progress. For example, instead of having “study for TOEIC” as your overarching goal, try to be more specific: “I want to be able to introduce myself smoothly in English by the end of this month.”
Assess Your Time and Commitments
We often struggle to make enough time to study. Make sure to list down all your obligations (i.e., work, family, hobbies) to realistically assess your available time. After that, find your ideal study period. Some people like to wake up early and focus, whereas others may prefer to do it in the evening after work. Plan study sessions around the time when you feel you are most productive and experiment with different points in the day.
Identify Areas of Importance
It is key to identify which areas you need the most help with. This is where self-assessments and practice tests may come in handy. Your priorities may also shift as time goes on, so allow for adjustments and continue to check your level periodically to see where you are at. There are many online tests available if you are prepping for standardized tests such as TOEIC, EIKEN, and IELTS. If your goals don’t involve taking tests, check in by going through flashcards or other notes and see how much you can recall.
Schedule Breaks and Avoid Burnout
The biggest hurdle many English learners face is burnout. A common technique to help avoid this is the Pomodoro Technique (25 minutes study, 5-minute break), spaced repetition, and active recall. If that is too much to remember you could also try a simpler 50-10 rule – 50 minutes of work, 10 minutes break. Remember not to overdo it and set aside time for relaxation.
Maintain a Positive & Flexible Mindset
Stay positive. Unexpected events are sure to arise that will affect your study goals and availability. That doesn’t mean failure. After an unplanned break, pick back up where you left off and try to return to your schedule as soon as possible. If you feel overwhelmed, start small and try to incorporate group study or involve others to help hold you accountable for your continued learning.
Staying on top of your schedule is vital. You may feel pressured to do everything in a certain way or within a particular timeline, but that isn’t always realistic. Remember that a great study schedule is one that is realistic, flexible, and tailored to your own lifestyle and goals. If you stick with it and are consistent, you are sure to succeed.
Question 1
According to the text, what is the benefit of breaking down goals into smaller steps?
a) It allows you to memorize vocabulary faster.
b) It helps track progress and makes goals easier to manage.
c) It eliminates the need for long-term planning.
d) It reduces the need for self-assessments.
Question 2
What does the Pomodoro Technique involve?
a) Studying for 50 minutes followed by a 10-minute break.
b) Focus on self-assessments and flashcards.
c) 25 minutes of study followed by a 5-minute break.
d) Group study sessions to avoid burnout.
Question 3
What should you do if unexpected events disrupt your study schedule?
a) Start a completely new schedule from scratch.
b) Take a long break before resuming your studies.
c) Return to your schedule as soon as possible and stay flexible.
d) Focus solely on memorizing vocabulary to save time.
【Questions 解答】Q1. b Q2. c Q3. c

One Month Program